How Can We Combat Fashion Waste? (via CBC Radio)

Fashion waste is one of the biggest environmental problems you’ve probably never heard of. Some 85% of all unwanted clothing ends up in landfills in North America. And studies show that as much as two-thirds of all clothing is trashed or landfilled within one year of creation!!

Luckily, this hidden environmental crisis is finally getting some of the media attention it deserves. It was the subject of a recent episode of Canada’s CBC News show B.C. Almanac, and listeners were invited to call in and discuss the ways they’re cutting back on their own textile garbage. Some callers said they enjoy clothing swaps, others mentioned buying for quality and wearing their clothes until they’re warn out.

Elizabeth Cline was the featured guest on the half-hour show, hosted by Lien Yueng. The pair discussed what’s driving the massive increase in waste and debated the merits of in-store recycling programs by fast fashion giants like H&M. Are these programs doing any good or is it just greenwashing? Cline shared her own tips for cutting back on textile waste in our everyday lives, from properly maintaining clothes to seeking out textile recycling solutions in your own community.