NBC Nightly News Fashion Pollution Segment Airs With "Overdressed" Author Elizabeth L. Cline
Elizabeth L. Cline on NBC Nightly News
Consumers are purchasing more clothing with the rise of fast fashion, but they’re also throwing more out. Americans send four times more clothing to the landfill today than they did in 1980, and those discarded items can take years to decompose. On May 5, 2019, NBC Nightly News aired an interview with “Overdressed” and “The Conscious Closet” author Elizabeth L. Cline about the rising environmental toll of the fashion industry. For example, the majority of clothing today is made out of polyester, a synthetic plastic material made out of oil. Cline, “Just to make the polyester we are wearing requires 342 million barrels of oil per year.” You can watch the full episode here. For those who caught the segment, you can learn more about Elizabeth here and you can order a copy of Overdressed via Amazon or Barnes & Noble. If you’re looking for ways to create a more sustainable and ethical wardrobe, pre-order Elizabeth’s new book, The Conscious Closet: The Revolutionary Guide to Looking Good While Doing Good.