How Do We Shake The Idea That Worn-Out Clothes Are Garbage? [Magnifeco Radio] InterviewsElizabeth ClineJanuary 10, 2018kate black, magnifeco, circular economy, textile waste, ellen macarthur
How Can We Afford Ethical Fashion? (Via Magnifeco Radio) In the NewsElizabeth ClineJanuary 6, 2018magnifeco, fast fashion, kate black
BYT, An Upcycled Fashion Line, Launches at Barney’s Conscious FashionElizabeth ClineDecember 1, 2017byt, redress hong kong, BYT
Five Simple Slow Fashion Tips [Via Italian Rêve] InterviewsElizabeth ClineAugust 27, 2017italian reve
4 Powerful Ways to Fight Sweatshops in Under 5 Minutes How-ToElizabeth ClineAugust 5, 2017fashion revolutoin, fashion revolution, clean clothes campaign, garment worker center, international labor rights forum
How Fashion Chains Create an $8 Top [Via RadioWest] In the NewsElizabeth ClineMay 15, 2017fast fashion, radiowest
Elizabeth Cline featured on John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight ‘Cheap Fashion’ Segment In the NewsElizabeth ClineApril 27, 2017john oliver, last week tonight, overdressed, fast fashion
L.A.’s 2016 Fair Trade Fashion Show Dazzles & Elizabeth Joins the Panel EventsElizabeth ClineJuly 22, 2016fair trade fashion show, bead & reel, peace exchange
Labor Activists Target H&M in Times Square Over Safety of Bangladesh Factories [Via Democracy Now] In the NewsElizabeth ClineMay 4, 2016H&M, clean clothes campaign, living wages, democracy now
Elizabeth Cline Discusses the Fast World of Fast Fashion (NPR All Things Considered) InterviewsElizabeth ClineSeptember 18, 2013npr all things considered, fast fashion
Elizabeth Cline Discusses the Rana Plaza Factory Collapse on MSNBC Jansing & Co. In the NewsElizabeth ClineMay 1, 2013msnbc, jansing & co., rana plaza, bangladesh
NBC Nightly News Interviews Elizabeth About the Bangladesh Tragedy In the NewsElizabeth ClineApril 1, 2013nbc nightly news, stephanie gosk, rana plaza