Cline Talks "Fast Fashion" on WNYC's Brian Lehrer

In light of the U.S. trade war with China, Elizabeth Cline was invited on WNYC’s Brian Lehrer show for a 10 Minute Explainer on fast fashion. In the segment, she explains how the "fast fashion" industry is fueled by cheap production overseas, and how consumers can build a more ethical closet. Cline is a journalist, clothing resale expert and author of the forthcoming book, The Conscious Closet: The Revolutionary Guide to Looking Good While Doing Good (Plume, 2019). Fast fashion -- trendy, mass-manufactured, affordable clothes -- relies on the abundance of cheap labor around the world, says @elizabethlcline
- The Brian Lehrer Show (@brianlehrer)

"There are 40 million people working as garment workers around the world today... Clothing is not an automated process, *people* make our clothes" - @elizabethlcline on "Fast Fashion"
- The Brian Lehrer Show (@brianlehrer)

"There are good and bad impacts of fast fashion." Affordability has increased access and interest in style. On the other hand, @elizabethlclinesays, Fast Fashion designers often rip off ideas from others, and that hurts the industry.
- The Brian Lehrer Show (@brianlehrer)